Managed Services, Security

7 Cybersecurity Tips to Keep Your Business Safe From Fraud

Tax time is a time to beware of fraudsters—especially for small business owners! Two suggestions to help: be informed and be alert.

Now’s the time to refresh yourself on the basics of cybersecurity. You need to be aware of the types of fraud that threaten you: phishing where emails request personal information, spear-phishing attacks where the request is targeted directly to you, attacks that gain your passwords, spoofing that convinces you that you are communicating with a known, trusted entity, and more.

Once you’ve educated yourself, don’t let down your guard.

This article lists seven tips to help you fortify your system. From 2 step verification and safe password storage to validating whom you’re sharing information with and reviewing account activity — none of the tips is complicated or difficult. But they do need to be followed.

Take a look and be sure to contact Premier IT for help implementing your company’s computer safety and security plan.