Technology, AI, artificial intelligence

Voice Tech Could Shape the Post-Pandemic Workplace

As companies work to safely reopen offices, voice technology is about to make itself heard. When it comes to ensuring employees stay safe, the fewer touchpoints, the better.

Over the past decade, voice technology has grown thanks to voice-activated systems like Alexa, Google, and Siri. The average consumer has gotten pretty used to conversing with an artificial intelligence (AI) system, while AI systems have gotten a lot better at conversing with them.

Covid-19 has created opportunities for voice authentication because both fingerprint and facial biometrics have run into issues. Fingerprint tech by its nature requires touching a screen and facial recognition doesn’t work when people are wearing masks. By contrast, voice recognition is unaffected by the pandemic’s unique challenges.

With the shift to remote working and as businesses continue to transition to using cloud-based operations, an uptake in AI-orientated voice tech will likely follow. Experts don’t expect voice technology to replace what we do now, but rather to expand into more areas with specific applications to help people navigate their workplaces and their lives.