Managed Services, Security, Technology, Support

Hybrid Workplaces Require New Security Measures

Hybrid workplaces are here to stay and the spectrum of office configurations requires a new approach to network security.

Many companies are adapting by limiting their physical footprint with the use of “Flexwork Space.” Flexwork spaces are smaller, multi-purpose, cross-functional spaces and stations that will be used by multiple team members.

Many of our valued clients at Premier IT are exploring different hybrid models that work for them, with every industry, company, and company culture requiring a custom approach to making this sustainable, while staying agile enough to pivot and adapt when needed.

Some employees who are staying remote choose to work out of a shared space or co-working space, and some will continue to work at home using their own hardware or hardware provided by their employer.

This creates a variety of new security concerns for the safety and privacy of business data, networks, and systems.

In 2020, we had the RDP debacle (Remote Desktop Protocol) where a bad actor could gain access without credentials.

In 2021, the priority for hybrid and remote security is a Zero Trust Relationship. Zero Trust eliminates the network as a security control point and instead focuses on valid user authentication.

Our team of experts can guide your company through our Zero Trust approach. Just another way Premier IT can give you some peace of mind. Contact us today to schedule a comprehensive Security Audit, so you can focus on your team, your customers, and your business.