Security, Support

How to Spot and Protect Yourself from Phishing

Is cybersecurity a new concept for you? Or are you a computer-savvy user who knows just what to do to protect yourself? Either way, you may be more vulnerable than you think.

“Phishing” attacks—email requests for sensitive information—are growing more common today. Plus, they are becoming more and more sophisticated.

Perpetrators have easy access to so much of our information on the dark web; oversharing by the 58.11% of the world’s population who are active on social media worldwide make their work easier.

Your best bet is to familiarize yourself with the types of attacks that might come your way, gain some skills to fend them off, and know your own weak areas when it comes to setting personal boundaries. You can’t be too careful!

Your digital security is so important … you really can’t take any chances. Always remember, don’t let your guard down. Don’t be naïve. Don’t overshare.

Check out this article that about what to watch out for with tips for handling questionable requests. And contact us anytime you see something that just doesn’t look right. We welcome your call at 763.543.6800.