Security, Technology

Cyber Insurers Increase Scrutiny Amid Pandemic

Lately we’ve been having discussions with clients about how to mitigate the increased #networksecurity vulnerability that comes as more employees #workfromhome.

Compared to mature processes and hardened systems for office locations, personal and home networks tend to be less secure and expose both companies and their employees to new risks and attacks.

According to Infosecurity Magazine, cyber insurance providers are taking note. Companies are likely to be asked more questions about their security arrangements and recovery plans – and especially how those plans consider #remoteworking situations.

It’s even more critical to assess your network and potential security risks as the work environment flexes between onsite and home – to satisfy any new cyber insurance provider requirements and for your peace of mind.

At #PremierIT we provide the expertise and support that helps #businessowners and #ITleadership protect their networks. Please give us a call at 763.453.6800 to talk about how to approach network security for your company.

