Managed Services, Technology, Support

10 Small Business Tech Trends

The small business landscape is no stranger to change, especially over the past year when work had to be done either remotely or following strict safety standards. It was unchartered waters for most. The ones that were already tech-savvy were best prepared, as they already had the infrastructure to allow for remote work.

While last year was all about software that helped us stay connected (along with the phrase, “You’re on mute”), there is more to running a business than simply holding meetings. Everything has to be done more efficiently than ever. If a competitor down the street can deliver a product in 10 minutes, you better be able to deliver it in five.

With 5G on the horizon, there will be a greater emphasis on automation and artificial intelligence in order to maximize the benefits of high-speed networks. Additionally, software integration is expected to make it easier for different platforms and operating systems to work together.

As businesses plan investment budgets, these are a few of the trends they should be aware of. It’s also extremely important to implement proper security measures to protect all this technology. Reach out to Premier iT at 763.453.6800 for expert guidance.

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